Spatial Requirements: Gym/outdoor space required
Activity Type: Movement/group
Grades: 3-12
Group Size: 6 or more
Time: 20-30 minutes
Introduction: This is an exciting, active game to demonstrate that all emotions have energy. Students will begin to understand that they can use the energy from both positive and negative emotions as motivation to accomplish their goals.
- Masking tape
- Orange cones (optional)
Before the activity, designate two areas across from one another on the gym floor. These are the “safe zones.” You may want to define these areas with orange cones or tape. There needs to be enough space for an entire team to stand on the far side of the area. Place a long piece of tape along the center of the floor between the two safe zones. This is where the two teams will line up to face off.
Divide your group into two teams. Instruct them on the game play. Tell students that this game is very similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors but that we play it as a team.
Show students the three actions they can choose from. Instead of Rock, Paper, Scissors, we are going to use Tiger, Bow, Person. They can make the “tiger” by lifting both hands to the sides of their face and making claw gestures. They can make the “bow” by mimicking the action of pulling an arrow back to shoot. They can make the “person” by flexing their arms. In this game, the bow beats the tiger, the tiger beats the person, and the person beats the bow (because he/she controls it).
Each team will huddle together on their side of the border and quietly decide on which action they want to do before the round begins. Have them line up a step away from the central line, facing the other team. On the count of three, have everyone show their actions. Whichever team loses the round must race back to their safe zone (defined by a line or by touching the wall) before the winning team members can tag them.
When a person is tagged before he/she reaches their team’s safe zone, they become a member of the opposite team. The game ends when there are no members remaining on one team or when you run out of time. You can also choose to “reset” the game when the sides are too uneven.
Processing the Experience:
- What kind of adrenaline/energy rush did you experience after each round? How was it different if you won? or how was it different if you lost? ( you might want to point out to students that there was energy in both situations. If you won a round, you worked hard to tag your opponents. If you lost a round, you channeled that energy into making it to the safe zone and had greater determination to win the next round.)
- How can the emotions from both successes and setbacks create energy?
- Are there any life lessons that you could take away from this activity?
- How would it make a difference in your life if you converted all your emotions into productive energy?