Facilitator’s Guide
Section One: Implementation Information
The WhyTry facilitator toolkit is used for creating and customizing lessons. The scope and sequence for both elementary and secondary have been created with the average user in mind. However, they can easily be modified to meet your needs. Lesson units (outside of the first
and the last) can easily be done in any order. If the time length for lessons requires more time than you have in a single session, feel free to cut lessons in half or thirds. If you have a limited number of sessions available, focus on units that will be most important for your students and go deeper. Don’t try to cover it all for the sake of doing so at the expense of diving deeper.
Elementary Information:
The elementary scope and sequence for each grade level band covers 20 weeks. This is intended to be done over the course of a year. Ideally you would be delivering the lessons once/week over six months. Lessons range from 20 minutes in length for primary grades to 40 minutes in length for intermediate.
Secondary Information:
The secondary scope and sequence covers 18 weeks. If this was being implemented once/week it would cover an entire semester. Lessons are approximately 35-40 minutes in length. If you are running secondary groups for an entire year with the same students, we recommend that after you use the pre-built lessons for any unit and then create 1-2 lessons to support that unit before moving on to the next. You can also incorporate the elementary pre-built lessons. There is content that could be an ideal starting place for your secondary students.