Community Partner Resources

Tony Watkins

Welcome to your personal WhyTry Community Partner resources page! This page contains training and support resources to help you get started and to grow the opportunities in your area.

How to submit a lead to our Program Directors:

Qualified Leads

Qualified leads are contacts that you have had a discovery conversation with, either in person or over the phone, and have determined that they would be interested in seeing a demo of WhyTry. Then once you have indicated their interest you will, fill out this form to submit their contact information to the Program Director over their state, and then coordinate with the contact to schedule a time for the demo. You can schedule the demo directly by clicking on the link below for the program director’s calendar.

Warm Introduction Leads

Warm Introductions are a much easier option for you, if you are short for time, but would like to refer a contact directly to a program director through a simple email introduction. No phone calls or scheduling the demo is required! You can see some sample email introduction templates here. If you choose this option, simply input the contact person’s personal information into this form, and then send them a personal email with an introduction to the program director. (Don’t forget to copy the program director in the email)

Program Director Contact info and Calendar Links:

It’s always a good idea to reach out to the program director after you have submitted a lead or scheduled a demo. Wondering who the Program Director is for each state? To see a map of our territories Click Here.




Presenting to a group of people and want to share WhyTry?

If you are presenting to a group of educators and would like share more about WhyTry and capture the information of anyone who would like more information sent to them, you can utilize any of the following resources:

Presentation slide with QR code link to your personal form

If you would like to add this slide to your presentation to provide a way for people to share their contact information with you, the QR code in this slide will send them to your warm introduction leads form. After your presentation reach out to the program director and they can collect all of the information for the people that have filled out the form and will send that to you so that you can follow-up with them. There are two options on how you might follow-up with them. 1. Call them and have a discovery conversation to indicate their needs and then submit them as a qualified lead and schedule a demo on the program director’s calendar. 2. Simply follow up with a warm introduction email and introduce the program director to them and hand off the lead for the program director to follow-up and schedule the demo themselves. Note: You will not need to submit their information in the warm introduction leads form because they will have already done that with the QR code and we already have them in our contact database.

Keynote Slide
PowerPoint Slide
PDF Slide

Printable page with your QR code link to your personal form

If you would like to share information with others as part of a display at a conference, vendor fare, or an in-person meeting with others where you are sharing or endorsing WhyTry as a resource, you can print out this document to quickly point people to your warm lead form and capture their information. Always remember to let your program director know when you do this and they can collect those leads and send them to you in a spread sheet for follow-up. (follow the same options as described above with the presentation slide.

Lead form for capturing contact info in a hard copy

If you would like to have a simple form that you can print out so that you can collect the contact information from people who may struggle with using the QR code and lead capture form, Download this template and make copies to have at your event. You can then follow-up with these contacts and submit them as either a warm introduction lead, or a qualified lead.

Marketing Resources

Marketing Tools

Building Your Network – A spreadsheet for organizing the contacts you are targeting and growing your network.
Basic strategies to create and generate new awareness of WhyTry in your area.
Focus on the challenges they are seeing and discover what the needs are.
Discovery Conversation Templates – Forms to help guide conversations and take notes
Discovery conversation example roleplay video.

Pass Along Content

Executive Summary – General overview of everything
The WhyTry Organization – single page description of our organization
WhyTry Program – Web landing page with information and a brief video introduction to the program.
WhyTry Program – Single page description of The WhyTry Program
Resilience for Youth – Single page description of The Resilience for Youth Program
Transformational Leader Toolkit – Web landing page with info and a brief video introduction to the TLT
Transformational Leader Toolkit – Two page document explaining the TLT
The WhyTry Approach – Single page document on The WhyTry Approach

WhyTry FAQ’s and Additional Resources

WhyTry FAQ’s – Common questions we get and possible discussions to be had.
The WhyTry Mission – Understanding our organization, the team you are a part of, and what we value.

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